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Missing You Messages



Message: * some text missing*
Sender:* Name Missing *
*Number Missing *
Sent: * Date missing *
Missing U a lot thats y
everything is missing....


There r 6 billion ppl around de world,
i dnt knw why i kp on missin u,
mayb bcz 5,999,999,999 ppl
cant replace a single U.
I love u!

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b_s stnd
all r very boring witho_t yo_.
I think i miss u.....


Try this ,
go to write msg,
ACTIVATE Dictionary [ T9 ],
then hide your screen with 1 hand
& Type 4164771968,
now remove ur hand & read it…..
then SMS me.


Under the sea,
there lays a rock.
In the rock,
there is an envelope.
In the envelope,
there is a paper.
On the paper,
there are 3 words…
‘I Miss You’

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The visual imprint of ur face on my retina
produces afferent impulses to my visual cortex
affecting my hypothalamus causing recall
of all past experiences and release of cytokines,
causing the release of epinephrine,
+ve feed back loop predisposing my SA Node
to asystoli manifesting as a skipped beat
accompained by cold clammy extremities,
dilated pupils, open mouth
& a sense of detachment n well
being in short,
medically saying "i miss u"


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