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Love My Husband Poems
Why I Love My Husband


I love how my husband sings to me
Good Morning Beautiful How Was Your Night
Mine was wonderful with you by myside
Tells me how beautiful I am even when I just got up
My hairs a mess and I have on yesterdays makeup
How he plays the broom like a guitar when he is cleaning
I have pictures to blackmail him
How he holds me when I am scared
Like I am now

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How he assures me everything is going to be ok
Because he will take care of me no matter what
He lets me be a girl
How he buys me little presents all the time
Just to suprise me and show his love
How he has held me up when I could not walk or stand on my own
How he has bathed me when I was in so much pain to do it myself
How he has helped me in the bathroom when I could not do it myself
Even though it was degrating to me, he said there was no need to feel that way
How he takes our wedding vowls more serious than anything in the world
How gentle he is with our nieces and nephews

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How he treats women, when he had a bad role male model
How he cried when we had the semi wreck, and he thought he had killed me
And how he busted the windshield to pull me out
How he makes me laugh when I am down to cheer me up
And how he puts people in their place when they hurt me


By Melissa Powell

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