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Puzzle SMS



.. 6u!uRow poo6
Turn ur phone upside down & read again.. :-)


Lover loves it.
Friends need it ,
Relationship Starts with it

life ends with it .
“It is _ _ _ d _ _ a _ _ s 10 letter word
Challenge for u.

Ans: handshakes

(More Related : Wise sms)


As tall as a tree, as small as a bug,
As fast as an eagle, as slow as a slug.
Many times in front or behind but never on top,
always aligned. What is this?

Ans: Shadow


I can sizzle like bacon,
I have plenty of backbone,
But lack a good leg,
I am made with an egg,
I peel layers like onions,
But still remain whole,
I can be long like a flagpole,
Yet fit in a hole.
What am I?

Ans: snake


I can be found where anything cannot;
dead men eat me all the time,
but if a living man eats me, he'll die.
What am I?

Ans: Nothing

(More Related : Inspirational sms)


It is a 9 letter word-123456789.
If it fails u die.If u can 234,u have 1234.
56 is 1type of disease.
89 indicates exat location & time

Ans: Heartbeat


I am 10 letters word,
The first four 1234 has power to rule,
You eat my 5678.
My 89 and 10 means of a lady,
Also I can fly ....
what am i ?????

Ans: Kingfisher


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