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Adult Messages



Women at

( . . ) 18years
 ) . (
(  Y )

( o ) ( o ) 25years
  )    .    (
(      Y     )

(  O  ) (  O  ) 35years
 )        .       (
(         Y       )

(More Related : Messages for wife)


UR msgs r like a Girl's Period,
comes once a month for 3-4days & disappears.
But My msgs r like a Man's Sperms
that come Daily or Twice a Day.
So msg like a Man.


Little Girl: Mom,
I just found out that the boy next door
has a penis like a peanut.
Mommy: U mean it's small?
Little Girl: No, it's salty.


Q: What's the definition of indefinitely?
A: When your balls are slapping up against her ass,
you are in.....definitely.


There is
and for people with your face ...


(More Related : Marriage sms)


If a black man fucks a white girl
using a pink condom
what colour of child will he get?

still thinking?

He was using a condom.


On earth there's heaven
U just need 2 find the door
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  L_/_/     L_/_/

& the right KEY
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