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Love Is Poems
Love Is The Type Of..


What do you think of when you see or hear that word?
A word so small, yet can distort the reality of the strongest people.
Love isn’t the type of thing that you can just play around with.
Love is the type of thing that will deliver a bonafide killer blow to you before you even know what’s happening.
Funny thing about love; it’s just the thing you need when you get that bonafide killer blow.
Love is a sweet, poisonous arrow that can shoot you straight through the heart and soul.

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I’m almost scared to even say it.
Love is the type of power that will come raging like a matador bull when you either aren’t looking for it, or don’t want it.
It’s also the type of power that will stay as far away from you as possible if you try to hunt it down.
You see, love has a mind of its own.
It doesn’t believe in you finding it; it believes in it finding you.
Love isn’t the type of power that lets things go easily.
Love is the type of power that can make the most normal person have the hugest case of separation anxiety, depression, and love jones, all rolled into one powerful ball of force.
Love is the type of emotion that will never have a common, or set definition.
It changes constantly, just as the world turns.
Love isn’t the type of emotion that you can switch back and forth just like that.
You’ve heard the rumors: It’s easy to fall in love, but hard to fall out of it.
In my terms, falling in love is as easy as a chocolate lover accepting an ultimate hot fudge, chocolate ice cream, and M&M’s sundae.
It also means falling out of love is as hard as telling a newborn baby to move a solid brick wall. You get the point.
If you didn’t know, then now you know.

Love should be considered an element on the periodic table.
An element is a pure substance, made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Love is a pure feeling, made up of lust, attraction, and closeness.
Best case scenario is that the person you love is like one half of your soul, who is always there for you no matter what, who is your best friend, your lover, your protector, and your rock.
Worst case scenario is that the person you love is a complete douche bag, who has nothing in common with you, is never there for you, never agrees with you, only wants you for physical lusts, never looks out for you, and who mistreats you constantly.

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Out of all of the groups on the periodic table, love is the type of element that would be a hybrid of halogens and noble gases.
Love is the type of element that is a hybrid of a halogen and a noble gas because like a halogen, it tends to be highly reactive when triggered, and like a noble gas, it can just be there and not do anything, yet still be important.
Love isn’t the type of element that would be a floater like Alkali metals, or Alkaline Earth metals, because it doesn’t work with other elements that easy.
If anything, love would be a transitional metal because the entire process happens in stages. It never stops; it never can be put in a specific category because of its bi-polarism.
Love is a type of thing you don’t mess with.
Love is a type of power that cannot be overpowered no mater who or what is fighting it.
Love is a type of emotion in which there is no other one like it.
Love is a type of element that is a mixture of all things.
When dealing with love, take my advice: be careful.

By Illusion

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