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Married Poems
I'm Getting Married at 23


I'm getting married at 23
to my love, my best friend
I'm nervous, scared, but happy
to move on from friendship to matrimony

'You're too young,
you have your entire life ahead of you'
Many people are saying

And I tell them
'If I do have my entire life ahead of me,
then why can't I have someone next to me
to share that life with'

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And they respond
'But you don't know what you want
You don't know what you're getting yourself into'

And I say
'I may be young, and in someways may not understand
but I do know that I love her and want to be with her
I know that I cannot go another day without her by my side
All I want is to be there next to her in bed
everyone morning that she awakes
and there's nothing more that I want
Than giving her a part of me and not just a last name
Afterall, you always fall in love with your best friend
I don't know how long marriage will last
but I do know that when we're together
We shall make our love work
because when we promise forever

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then forever we shall be together
And if in the end all should fail
then atleast we can say that we tried
and that is something no one can deny
I know you don't want me to make your mistakes
I know that love isn't something permanent
but I also know that if we don't try
then we'll be living our life filled with regrets
So I say what's the point of living without taking risks
We love each other and we want to marry
and all we ask is for your support
even if you don't agree'

By Eddy_GG

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