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About Love Quotes


Falling in love with someone
isn't always going to be easy...
Anger... tears... laughter..
It's when you want to be together despite it all.
That's when you truly love another.
I'm sure of it.

Love can be trying
and hard to accomplish
but when you have love
always hold it close to your heart
because you never know
when you have to let it go.

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Love is like a flower always blooming

To fall in love
is to create a religion
that has a fallible god.

Love is like a falling star,
beautiful, magical
and everlasting.

Love is an act
of endless forgiveness
A tender look
which becomes a habit.

If I know what love is,
it is because of you.

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What is love?
Love is two vowels,
O & E.
Love is two consenents,
L & V.
Love is two fools,
you and me.

When you love someone,
all your saved-up wishes start coming out.

Love is missing someone
whenever you're apart,
but somehow
feeling warm inside
because you're
close in heart.

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