Romance Quote

Romance Quotes > Love Quotations


Love Quotations


Love Quotes


Sad Quotations By Genre

Break Up , Breaking Up , Broken Heart , Confused , Depressing , Emo , Goodbye , Heartbreak , Heartbroken , Lonely , Lost Love , Love Hate , Love Hurts , Moving On , For Loved Ones , Sad , Unrequited Love


There is nothing sadder in this life
than to watch someone you love walk away
after they have left you.
To watch the distance between
your two bodies expand until there is
nothing left but empty space... and silence.

Many waters cannot quench love,
neither can floods drown it.

Every night I go to bed dreaming
of the moment I get to see you again;
the moment when months without you
are erased by a single kiss,
the moment when all my tears
are dried by a single smile,
the moment when hearing
the sound of your voice means
seeing you at the same time.
Knowing that the moment
I dream of will eventually
become a reality is what keeps me going

Touch my mind
and I will think of you...
touch my heart
and I will never forget you.

If you love someone,
do not put their name in a heart
because hearts can be broken,
instead put their name in a circle,
because circles go on forever.

It takes a couple seconds to say Hello,
but forever to say Goodbye.

You never truly love a person
until the mere thought of you hurting
that loved one
is enough to break your own heart


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