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Love Poems For My Wife
For My Wife


They stood on the beach

as the sun was about to set.

Together, it was just him and her

thinking of the day they met.

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The sun made the ocean glissen

and their bare feet warm a bit.

He wrapped his arms gently around her

kissing her softly, it was perfect.


She just stood watching the waves

and smiling secretly to herself.

The excitment of the day they had

couldn't possibly be compared to anyone elses.


He let go of her to stand face to face

and slowly he put one hand on her cheek.

He kissed her once, he kissed her twice

making her whole body tremble and become weak.

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After a few moments, he embraced her again

telling her he'll love her the rest of their life.

She smiled as she thought of what happened today

after all those years, finally she was his wife..


By CherryPie

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