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Wedding Day Poems
My Wedding Day


As the lights receeded slowly

And the streamers packed away

When the sun begin to shine again

I remembered most that day

(More Related : Romance poems)


Sure the moments they seemed fleeting

And they slipped beyond our grasp

But I've never really lost them

In my memories of the past


T'was the best day; and the worst day

But the best of most, I think

As the last song played to nothing

And the last guest drunk their drink


But by then, my love.. Well we were gone

And warm within our room

Sharing memories of the day that was

That ended far too soon

(More Related : Lovers poems)


Now, the photographs are hung on walls

Our lives put into print

And I sometimes hear the music

And I still hear glasses chink


Yes the memories, oh the memories

How within my mind they play

Precious memories, sweetest moments

Yes.. I'd say I loved my wedding day


By Brown_Linda

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