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French Love Phrases


French Translation:
je t'aime de tout mon coeur
English Translation:
I love you with all my heart

French Translation:
Tu es dans toutes mes pensées
English Translation:
You are in all my thoughts

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French Translation:
Le prix d'Amour, c'est seulement Amour...
Il faut aimer si l'on veut etre aime...
English Translation:
The price of love can only be love itself,
therefore love others to be
showered with love yourself.

French Translation:
En amour, écrire est dangereux,
sans compter que c'est inutile
English Translation:
In love, writing is dangerous,
not to mention pointless

French Translation:
Tu es mon homme/ma femme
English Translation:
You are my man/woman.

French Translation:
C'est à partir de toi que j'ai dit oui au monde.
English Translation:
It was beginning with you that I said yes to the world.

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French Translation:
Quand il me prend dans les bras
Il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose
English Translation:
When he takes me in his arms
and speaks to me softly
I see the world through rose-colored glasses

French Translation:
English Translation:

French Translation:
Entre deux coeurs qui s'aiment,
nul besoin de paroles.
English Translation:
No words are needed between
two hearts in love.

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