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Happy Love Quotes


Just the thought of being
with you tomorrow,
is enough to get me
through today.

SoMeWhErE bEtWeEn
AlL oF oUr LaUgHs,
LoNg TaLkS,
sTuPiD lItTlE fIgHtS,
AnD aLl Of OuR jOkEs

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When they asked me
what I loved most about life,
I smiled and said you.

I know that I can
give love for a minute,
for half an hour;
for a day, for a month,
but I can give and
I'm very happy to do that
and I want to do that.

You are the *coca*
to my *cola*
You are the *race*
to my *car*
You are the *macaroni*
to my *cheese*
You are the *Wal*
to my *Mart*
but most of all....
You are the *keys*
to my *heart*

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I'm in love with
everything about you...
the way you smile
and the way you laugh.
But most of all the way
you make me smile
and the way you make me laugh

Love Is Running Into His Arms
Colliding With His Heart
And Exploding Into His Soul

Dearest, You make me gloriously happy
- some of the time.

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