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Getting Married Quotes


Women hope men will change
after marriage but they don't;
men hope women won't change
but they do.

Never marry for money.
Ye'll borrow it cheaper.

Never get married in college;
it's hard to get a start
if a prospective employer
finds you've already
made one mistake.

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When I think of a merry,
happy, free girl...
and look at the ailing,
aching state a wife
is generally doomed to...
which you can't deny
is the penalty of marriage.

Marriage means commitment.
Of course, so does insanity.

When two people are
under the influence
of the most violent,
most insane, most delusive,
and most transient of passions,
they are required to swear
that they will remain in that excited,
abnormal, and exhausting condition
continuously until
death do them part.

Getting married is
a lot like getting into
a tub of hot water.
After you get used to it,
it ain't so hot.

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After 7 years of marriage,
I am sure of 2 things.
First, never wallpaper together and second,
you'll need 2 bathrooms...both for her.
The rest is a mystery,
but a mystery I love to be involved in.

Many marriages are simply
working partnerships between
businessmen and housekeepers.

You can never be happily married
to another until you get
a divorce from yourself.
Successful marriage demands
a certain death to self.

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