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Hot Love Stories


Love Stories


The Salty Coffee - Ever drank a cup of salty coffee? Read here on why would a man want to drink coffee like that.

A Silent Love - Can love be conveyed through no speech at all? This hot popular story shows how love transcends through everything.

Today I Will Tell Her I Love Her - Read about how today came too late for one man who never got the chance to profess his love.

Chris Diary - Extremely heart wrenching story about a man pain in letting go of a girl he loves. A hot favourite among web readers.

Mars and Venus - Hilarious story about how a man avenges his wounded pride against his wife.

Life Explained - Ever wondered about why life works in a certain way? Read this funny story and you will finally understand why.

The Missing Rib - God saw that Adam was lonely and took out one of his ribs to create Eve. Have you found your missing rib? Check out about how the male lead in the story found and lost his missing rib.

Chain of Love - What goes around comes around. This includes love in this heart warming cute little story.

A Vampire's Enchanting Kiss - The kiss of a vampire is lethal and in this case even more so for a lonely vampire. Find out how a vampire turns to a young lady to sought companionship.


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